
Archive for November 5th, 2007

I bet you wish you could do anything you wanted.

The reality is — we all live under constraints. Some are self-imposed; others get forced upon us by society or the environment at large. Constraints help us maintain some semblance of order in the world, but they can also prevent us from reaching desired levels of satisfaction and happiness.

Take a drought and the desire for a green lawn.

For a long time now the green lawn has symbolized prosperity and good fortune. But with a severely limited amount of water available, governments have imposed restrictions on lawn watering. That constraint has not sat well with some people, who have continued to water even with the threat of significant fines. For them, the satisfaction associated with their green lawn outweighs any potential negatives and so they have been unwilling to cooperate. In fact, if anything, the constraint only heightened their anticipated satisfaction associated with circumventing the ordinance.

Constraints play an important role in our lives. The better we understand how different constraints affect our thinking and behavior, the better we can react and adjust to them.

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